Saturday, June 30, 2012

Activity Four: Exploration of Science Education Standards

Wisconsin Science Standards for Grade 4

For this activity please refer to the Wisconsin Science Standards at this website:

Standard A 

Sub-Standard 4.5: When studying a science-related problem, decide what changes over time are occurring or have occurred.

In a few of my different science classes in the past, we have talked about evolution or species. We mainly focused on how different species have adapted to fit into the rapidly changing environments around them.  An example that we commonly used was birds and how they have changed sizes and colors. Specifically, we talked about a breed of yellow birds who once had spots on their wings and how over time the slowly lost their spots. We also talked about animals being able to adapt to the stresses of having to change environments. More human related, we talked about how humans have adapted over time from primate to current day humans (depending on one's beliefs). I believe that through these classes, I have met the general requirements of this standard.

Standard B

Sub-Standard 4.2: Acquire information about people who have contributed to the development of major ideas in the sciences and learn about the cultures in which these people lived and worked. 

In most schools students learn about people who have major impacts in science and my school was no different. A common example that every student usually learns about is Albert Einstein who is considered the father of modern physics. In school we learned about how he came up with the formula E=mc2. Another example would be learning about Isaac Newton who came up with the three laws of motion. These are just two of the many different people that I learned about in my schools which helps me meet this requirement.

Standard C

Sub-Standard 4.4: Use simple science equipment safely and effectively, including rulers, balances, graduated cylinders, hand lenses, thermometers, and computers, to collect data relevant to questions and investigations

In my school, we had to go through "equipment training" in every science class we took, which basically was a few days of going through the equipment that we would be using and how to use it properly. Some of these training sessions would include the teacher demonstrating proper uses of the specific equipment and how to properly handle equipment. We would then also go through cleaning of the equipment and storage of it. We were then tested on this information and had to pass before being able to use any of the equipment. These tests were generally demonstrating to the teacher that we knew how to handle the equipment and sometimes it was an actual test or fill in the name to all the pieces of the specific equipment.

Standard D 

Sub-Standard 4.3: Understand that substances can exist in different states-solid, liquid, gas

Obviously I have studied this in a class before because we have done this study in this class on the three different states of water. I have also studied the three states in other classes too and in most cases we study water. Water is in liquid form at temperatures between 34 degrees fahrenheit and 211 degrees fahrenheit. The freezing point of water is 33degrees fahrenheit and at this temperature, water begins to turn into it's solid form, ice. The boiling point of water is 212degrees fahrenheit and this is when water starts to turn into it's gas form. As simple as this seems, not everyone knows this but I have met this standard in numerous different classes.

Standard E

Sub-Standard 4.4: Identify celestial objects (stars, sun, moon, planets) in the sky, noting changes in patterns of those objects over time.

In one of my high school classes, we spent a few weeks talking about how over time the stars have moved and how they are continuing to move. We talked about how stars die out over time and how they could die out years and years before we would be able to tell. We also talked about how it's important to study astronomy, because we are a part of it and only a small part of it.

Standard F 

Sub-Standard 4.1: Discover how each organism meets its basic needs for water, nutrients, protection, and energy in order to survive.

Ever since I could remember, in school we had a section of the year where we talked about how plants grow from a seed to a full grown plant. Almost every year we planted something and watched it mature into a full grown plant. We learned about when the plant needs water, it's roots absorb water and the soil provides the nutrients that plant needs. We also talk about how the plant gets the energy from the sun. I believe this unit every year helped me meet the grade four standards.

Standard G 

Sub-Standard 4.1: Identify the technology used by someone employed in a job or position in Wisconsin and explain how the technology helps

When people think of Wisconsin, most people think of cows and farmers. Well even though farming seems like a dimple life, technology has made a huge impact on their lives and jobs. In school we talk about how the advancement of technology has helped farmers with milking cows, planting, and harvesting. We talk about how the advancement has helped them be able to produce more product, including food and milk.

Standard H 

Sub-Standard 4.1: Describe how science and technology have helped, and in some cases hindered, progress in providing better food, more rapid information, quicker and safer transportation, and more effective health care

In multiple classes, I have had to look at how science and the advancement of technology has impacted society and my life in general. In my Anthropology class, we talked about how the advancement of science/technology is effecting communities that aren't being advanced. We discussed how others advancements are either forcing communities that aren't advancing to become obsolete. In other classes, we covered how science has allowed us to produce food in larger amounts, but generally is more unhealthy food because of preservatives or pesticides. In a health class, we talked about advancements in science making it easier for people to live longer lives because of better healthcare. So overall, I'd say a variety of my classes have helped me to meet this sub-standard.  



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